1. @larsfink
    18. February 2013 @ 12:38

    Don’t become an entrepreneur unless you are insane http://t.co/9QWPlMxx via @manuelkoelman


  2. @manuelkoelman
    18. February 2013 @ 12:48

    Some context about today’s post “Don’t become an entrepreneur unless you are insane” http://t.co/H3ue8rbs on Soundcloud http://t.co/ehmdPKc7


  3. @puja108
    18. February 2013 @ 20:10

    Don’t become an entrepreneur unless you are insane | http://t.co/f1wFYFKM


  4. Flow
    18. February 2013 @ 20:12

    Loved it. This was SO necessary. Most people only think about awesomeness and million dollar exits – but not about the downsides and the chance of failing completely.I think you got it just right!


    • Manuel
      18. February 2013 @ 21:10

      @Flow: Thanks a lot for the feedback. I really appreciate it.


  5. @hnfirehose
    18. February 2013 @ 21:26

    Don’t become an entrepreneur unless you are insane | http://t.co/mEc86XAL: http://t.co/vt8gMhXs


  6. @manuelkoelman
    18. February 2013 @ 22:15

    Today I got quite a bit of traffic on my blog. Thanks to @martinweigert – Fun to monitor real time stats 🙂 http://t.co/Plccyhlw


  7. @Tsouloftas
    19. February 2013 @ 16:22

    Don’t become an entrepreneur unless you are insane http://t.co/Wvn6Gpc5 #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship


  8. @bmonitor
    23. February 2013 @ 21:19

    Forget all the German “wannapreneurs”. Get the “real attitude” about entrepreneurship. http://t.co/ZJZHkk6zq6


  9. @ec_berlin
    25. February 2013 @ 12:14

    Don’t become an entrepreneur unless you are insane @ManuelKoelman http://t.co/lBgFO29DoC


  10. Manuel Koelman (@manuelkoelman)
    26. February 2013 @ 05:59

    Thx! RT @ec_berlin: Don’t become an entrepreneur unless you are insane @ManuelKoelman http://t.co/e46D8WZdzb


  11. Sind Unternehmer verrückt? | NRW-Startups
    23. June 2015 @ 12:02

    […] Hier ist eine Präsentation, die nicht nur die „schönen“ und erfolgreichen Seiten des Unternehmertums darstellt, sondern auch die schwierigen. Titel der Präsentation: Don“t become an entrepreneur unless you are insane. […]


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